Awards and Fellowships
Elected Member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
In 2017 I hav been elected into the German Academy of Science and Engineering acatech which currently has over 600 Members. The members of the Academy’s collaborate on projects with external experts from science and industry, as well as participating in the Academy’s topic networks, where technical issues relating to the technological sciences and more general technology policy questions are discussed. Since 2017, I am an active member of the topic network Health
Fellow of the
German Informatics Society (GI)
In 2020, I have been awarded as a Fellow of the German Informatics Society (GI), as a scientist who is committed to linking basic research and application-oriented research as well as holding a variety of positions in science administration and funding.
Distinguished Member of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
In 2019, I was named an ACM Distinguished Members for outstanding contributions to the field. I am a member in ACM since 1999 and ACM Senior Member since 2012..
Best Diploma Award from the GMD – Research Center for Information Technology
In 1996 I received the Best Diploma Award from the GMD – Research Center for Information Technology. for my Diploma Thesis „Transmission and control of presentation sequences and interactions in a distributed multimedia database environment“ submitted at the Technical Universty of Darmstadt